Chapter I

Author zaidi in Tangier
I wonder why Sheikh wire, to care about the beauty, the Aathlhal for traditional topics
I wonder why Sheikh wire, to care about the beauty, the Aathlhal for traditional topics
hammer, it is like having sex with women, is dead. It is true a lot of people ask fatwas strange, I have recently been subjected to a violent attack by Allaúkyin, (they even devoted a special pages in Facebook), and cynically called it one of them to prefer the honor, and before the place is known, they feel the inclination towards him, and with a desire rapidly in the savor Asilth, such that the left, his honey, as is well known to the public and private, that Sheikh sober, grew up in the neighborhood of cockroach, velvet, and leading Abrmenhaddr market inside the marina, Sheikh Atemhy his memory of how the Jewish Almtathat of love, because of migration of their men in Ceuta, territories, and how they were asking for him to come to their home to file a has Tagine Thermomonospora bread and the sacred, there are those who promote it may be breastfed by the Jewish.

The most fat palm in the world in Tangie
Before moving to Casablanca, jurist, and a preacher, Mmermawwada his father in a mosque in susceptible Ghaid Allhelh, which is not far from the palace of Moulay Hafid, palace, however, the Government of the Italians now, and it is now the hands of the government honest it. Frankly, before moving to Casa dignity and honor was oval chandelier He and his wife to the city of Tangier, Al Darquaoui Okrmoh and do good and Vadth then that he asked them to go with virgin to Maarif, refused his father at first, but soon Matraja and was authorized in one case, which if he delivered his soul of Barry, said his father-Faqih famous Bbomehraz:- As you know, Sheikh Alrmqa apple of my eyes.And answered in the Oval Mstatfah smile:- Your brother Sheikh Alrgiwq, which is in sufficiently.Quickly and without hesitation answered Sheikh Bomehraz:- Grateful to you, but as you know Sheikh Alrgiwq, is h
eading to Brussels tomorrowBefore moving to Casablanca, jurist, and a preacher, Mmermawwada his father in a mosque in susceptible Ghaid Allhelh, which is not far from the palace of Moulay Hafid, palace, however, the Government of the Italians now, and it is now the hands of the government honest it. Frankly, before moving to Casa dignity and honor was oval chandelier He and his wife to the city of Tangier, Al Darquaoui Okrmoh and do good and Vadth then that he asked them to go with virgin to Maarif, refused his father at first, but soon Matraja and was authorized in one case, which if he delivered his soul of Barry, said his father-Faqih famous Bbomehraz:- As you know, Sheikh Alrmqa apple of my eyes.And answered in the Oval Mstatfah smile:- Your brother Sheikh Alrgiwq, which is in sufficiently.Quickly and without hesitation answered Sheikh Bomehraz:- Grateful to you, but as you know Sheikh Alrgiwq, is h

old car in Tangier
Seemed to talk of being between them, as if fleeing for-urgency, and hope against the postponement, and in this case, what the Oval only exit to the market adventitia, shop ten Etro oil oud municipality, so rush out to the market until the damage Balozani dealer oil lute known. and Hoém put his foot out the door the sky was overcast clouds, dark, and began showers light falling on his forehead, suddenly appeared neighbor jurist, known Ptbergha, red lips, Chinese, strong and stark, on her lips Algleztin, and skirt than usual above the knees, even seemed to skin thighs pink color, it is attractive already, do not resist, have already arrived to the nose, the smell of her perfume brutal and cheap, and chemical non-natural, irritant already, but I doubt this trick of Ahilha, to the rhythm of weak men, entangled, and asked amusingly:Aaelahi, you does not have to Hazoj?!. But he heard of the thermoplastic some of his friends, Alkazhoyan, the old city, there is the brothel, and although the piece, the length of the absence of men in travel and cruises, too patience women, Achtyakhen, to sleep with their men in bed., And after Bissmil continued walking,passed Chiagain market, where shop ileum Isaac Nectarine, it is the only one who sells the gold in the Victorian Alloiz French, did not escape him, to offer tribute to Isaac:Peace.Rdalih and Isaac in surprise:Shalom, hello.And DLF Alcazawa to the shop, shaking hands warmly, calling him facilitation and boom, and then said to him:I hear you're born Alhzan Moshe, Hazan Jews in Casablanca.Isaac and surprised the accuracy of visitor information, and then issued Zvera and sigh, and move his head to agree, and after a few seconds of silence, groans issued from the deities known only to lovers who experienced the pains of love, and then said to him:Woe, you are Casa! I love the country, I was fond of Jewishness Kazawih, he added, his eyes hot Mgrorguetan Bdma:I married a Frenchman, and migrated with him to Canada. Haziqa name. At this moment, the tears started from his eyes and collapsed winter. Quavering voice, said:Haziqa, Haziqa traitor, would not Osamehha, then sighed, at a time Alcazawa connects with his hand on h
is shoulder, and calls for his

patience, and then let him and went quickly to the market adventitia, which is only meters from the shop ileum Isaac.Market was Dbara still full of villagers Albranian, who sleep on the ground, to display their products, eggs, cheese and Hnaal and Agafov made of Doom, as well as a number of decades, dry figs, and Araram beads black olives salted, not to mention dozens of eggs, municipal, and next to broiler restricted.The people gather around rural vendors, abuzz, bargained and discuss prices, and rural Models under Bosaad country such as Sir Buaracah and Sidi hidden and Sidi Boakjh, they Sadqat in the price, that chicken is still young, and that the chicken is still Atoukh and Tanhen dry free of worms."These rural French apple cheeks to them, and attending a wired like a mixture of milk mixed with pomegranate-colored beads Maeruahen ..!" This was the comment a crazy, Almmsusan love Aisha Guendichh, during the scratch from the wording of non-obvious, over the next to Manka monsieur Ghlimo Banço (47 years), Belgium, in charge of security, as usual, followed by his dog, smart and wicked, and it seemed Monsieur Ghlimo busy in an interview with
security, to the slope of Spanish, which not hide complained of the growing phenomenon of smuggling of cigarettes, but the Belgian was Alcomisar always focuses his head no, and says Lalla Spain "in my percentage of smuggling from 19.56% to 7.2%" was added: "It is true that tons of Segar Cuba, fled to the stores the city, but as you know, cigars to cigarettes within Aasnf banned, he is lavish Eristqrati, and exploited by foreign embassies and requested in
Tangier. "In
the meantime, showers rain had started to fall, and from there went to the shops
Jews for prophylaxis of wetness, but Aabdoan dark clouds passing above us, you
will be generous with us, as usually quickly Maatmr and reflect about Spain
there in Andalusia nearby Elan something seemed extraordinary and non-
road is coming from the vicinity of a school Alfonso Trisa was witnessing the
movement of pandemonium, Valmkhbron International in Tangier were, in turn,
moving suspicious movements and transmit their reports-you-go to the
headquarters of their missions, but he soon cleared a veil of doubt and anxiety,
Hundreds of local people looked in a long line holding photographs of Allal El
Fassi The
Wazzani and Ataiwris and banners that read We want freedom and independence, and
to leave colonialism, Almamrn thieves, and looked through their curricula
strenuously that they will go to market inside through the door of the
examination, in which case the Alcomisar Belgian that prevents them from
progress, I saw Alcomisar talking to people it seems Sahnth that of
the organizers and coordinators of the demonstration, was Alcomisar seems Kthor
rough, and his face I had the chance that he does not like to breach security
and which was even the demands of liberty, he would say to the coordinator of
the "you die of starvation and Tmhun naked, like dogs scabby, now thanks to us
we are Europe you have begun to eat bread and confound clothing Clean
and Thlqon your heads, and wives were engaged with the heads of our homes in
order houses, more than this we allow your children to access to our schools,
modern to learn real science, "but the coordinator was not in a position to
conviction, persuasion, and he said to Comisar want you, sir, that Trhaloua for
our country, you just thieves Tnepununa and
SEND money to your country, did not hesitate Alcomisar in the description of the
Coordinator to "shut up Yadin dog, son whores" and pointed Alcomisar to a jeep
belonging to the international police that Ajloa to send reinforcements and by
the Lashkar-e-Mounted, and actually sent Pocket signal cable to Asalkih to the
nearest mall aunt, and started to move They
were coming from the hand towards the Mosque Sidi Bouabid slope.
village and the study says Vhsah neighboring village in the
shows us nicer to me that we will not sell today, I wished I were evacuated to
the demonstration tomorrow, they Ancdonn we live.Alvhsah responded to
the police quickly, and calm the market, and come back for the sale of eggs,
cheese and Indian.Approached
the two armies, the cavalry had arrived, Mr. hidden, and protesters have arrived
in brought to the shop, "We sell snow" is no longer separated from each other
only ionized from Alochaabar, did not find the Coordinator should only resort to
the shops, especially those that put a picture Allal El Fassi in
the eye of the shop and sell these shops in most of the oil, and asked them to
coordinator that Ahrkoa barrels of oil in the floor of the market Barrani, and
they were already national excited, and began to pour the contents of the
barrels on the ground even seemed to Market Square blessing oil increased the
quantity of Enchenash rain, could not hooves horse
to walk quickly, but is handicapped in hit and run, and increased Dramticah
scene, the voice of the ears of the silo collector Sir Bouabid Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar, prompting demonstrators chanting to
Allah is the
Chapter II
September 6, 2011When he wrote Mohamed Choukri and Paul Bowles in the Journal of THE
Lesson I
NEW YORKER / / Literature and Journalism Tangier Kabarcanoa write a book in the American Journal THE NEW YORLER Mohamed Choukri and Paul Polzketba in THE NEW YORKER magazineBy

Muhammad al-Zaidi kalamoukoum Tangier | 6, September | 2011 The Tangier City dreamy, filled with every religion and sect, frequented by men thirst, to see their dreams become a reality, before turning Alzakari, from Mdshr new neighborhood, and climb to the village of Nuinosh was Almmsuch, sleeps in the bosom of American elderly, settled recently Bhomh House gunpowder, and called Barbara, because she married in Los Angeles, discovered that she married was nothing but a drunken Erbeida, home to every day at the prime of dawn, he can not say a word eats, that the basics of love, used to and tired already, when it rises at noon, and proceed with the repetition of the cylinder: I will not go back Iabrberta to play Cups, "no longer afford Hveana," the woman is addicted to reading the American Journal of start-ups The New Yorker, read it regularly, especially stories and articles, Paul Bowles, which was translated by the clerk of eccentric Mohamed Choukri, and in Sometimes quoting Mgmorakhr writer, Mohammed Mrabet and he was not educated but had to dictate his stories and tales Baldarjh of Morocco, of course, all the atmosphere of storytelling is central ritual of smoking cannabis, inappropriate, Antjb to mention the first of this author was called a novel Mahch. As Barbara were not woman-traditional, wash dishes, and buy the catering kitchen at the grocery, the feelings inside, was alerting that her husband has become impotent as a result of a hard-drinking, and the imagination mixed with lies words and exaggeration, and even the grotesque, by the American JournalThe New Yorker and through the book three Mohamed Choukri and Paul Bowles, Mohammed Mrabet tackles the imagination as the decided intention to come to Morocco, and settle in the city of Tangier in particular, it is unbelievable Miketbouna, especially a novel male Siamese, this man who did not Syamia, but only that there has urethra multiplier Bthagben , this patchwork of women in the West are looking forward to it, and decided to visit Tangier for Many of its discovery, is not ratified, of course, but finally decided to come to Tangier and live, and it really happened.

Ashq to a woman to blend in underwear: Such was, middle-aged, Harsha eyes, round Alnsgein, have you come back if and thinking. Vibrating vibration, Vljh in the teeth, black hair ploy eyes, cheeks Tfahih, Hamdi said about the veil: It is highly flammable Albotan as a gas, the excess of beauty and beauty and splendor. But her secret of eternal that smell from under her skirt, the smell of No only when the Negro, which is unrelated to Abalzenj not their country, they are from the north of Morocco and more than that of static centuries the mountains, clear skin too white, there is the story says "Maybe assets genetic formative back for a period of al-Mansur as he opened the country of Sudan, and a Granny this girl may have been fuck Negro there, and she became pregnant he refused to wait until the bear when he was born of Dhadjaha pregnancy born and after due to Marrakech, this interpretation is only one of the dozens of interpretations "and short, that the owner The boyfriend (Alborma) as they were called in the city was the smell Trogah say to his friends: "For Aagd logical explanation for that, despite the dizziness and light that 'I am due to inhaled, but I after a little while until I feel Bahbura has returned to more than ever, is the life for him Kaxeir "

Barbara in love with what is long: The acquired exclusively with (Omrah) and called Riaz Sheikh, it seemed some of the parasites they find out the tendencies sex erotic, women are making an American Hollywood purely, and die in the men do not regularly as mummified, but as machines peasant, is doing very well in agricultural land forgotten, Fbmejr stability in the city of Ibn Battuta until I started to listen to the tales of breeding, and to receive questions on Goatien interested in details and minutes of things, and the strangest thing told her that a man had a long beard and very long, so that it was costing the earth, and men as well as for his beard was brilliant in Arabic grammar and is considered a reference for Aishq his dust in this science, even Buzz Sibawayh one of the founders of this science in the world of the Arabs, and all the jokes Chaa him that when he slept at night, he put his long beard in a bag and closes by a thread, so to Ataatloy on my breasts with his wife or nipple of her nipples Vtqtaha, but in One night arrived by fatigue than, and quarreled with his wife, who slept in an adjacent room, and when it sank in a deep sleep I read out the beard on Ahalilh Vqtath pieces, and became a pee through the hole, after he offered himself for hospitalization for a long time, however, did not shave his beard, but left on the expansive mood even Leicester himself in the bathroom by the collective Arab Sheikh lamented Barbara and was a bearded, but praised the loyalty of his beard despite the treachery of its time. The Barbara insists on Qassaseen that Athvoha stories transmitted from the middle peasant, they are stories devoid of artificiality and affectation, and did not undergo after what you know cities of heresies, Venkah peasants is Kinkah Dwabhm and livestock, powerful, and quarterly norm of donkeys and horses, and play it smells a prominent role, as well as plants and clover, which Iltqtonh of land, often Maicon irritant sexually, and tells her Almmsuch who became slept with her in her bed it worked before it enters the city of Tangier in the forties, a keeper of sheep and goats in Mdshrh Bmlosh, coincided with a sponsor Xepth in the wild, three soldiers Spaniards of a brigade Altricio mobile and that they are on guard duty in the trench of the trench dug to sleep in a tent in rotation, and when the delayed their count e Supply assigned someone to go to a nearby market, but far away, no longer yet, and feared soldiers remaining two that sent another may suffer from left guard next to the tent to attack the smugglers and contraband, who are fleeing whiskey from Ceuta to Tangier, so he asked the soldiers of the shepherd Mayorma a little bread and provisions even Aimuta from hunger and returned their friend something will Aawwadana, but he declined to meet the request claiming that nodulocystic on the surplus and does not have workers enough, and is ready to give them Miredan provided Nkhama, Vqubla on immediately, and each one-fourth Mazhudahma baking beads with black olives. I laughed until Barbara lay on her back, and it seemed hair from under her skirt as the haymaker without turn

Lesson II
Alternative Medicine: enlarge breasts and Tnvijha
as I wrote always complain about a lot of people, especially the symptoms of the female element, and they ask for the full beauty, toughening of injection to the lips cheeks .. Matturdh make it .. and check the nose through plastic surgery, to bellies Almhafth, and perhaps the most important requirement is to enlarge the breasts, and Tnvijhma, and Tdoaarhama .. may come a day earlier in which the breasts, Aljamilan junk in them, so as not to fall our girls in the hands of plastic surgeon lacks taste Vivsd not fit, you see the poor girl requesting treatment has become breasts to drum Gnaua, laughable than impressive and becomes Macamt him by the surgeon are the last adds to their concerns, and not a few concerns start feeding it with the driver's license in some Muslim countries to men's violence and tyranny in Tboukasha.
The female imagine in her mind that the girl Alnahd be Onthwaitha apparent, Z on this it is in imagination the popular be many fertility ... and her udder of the infant saturated and indicates that it will be created in the health and well-being, let alone the possibility winked her breasts comfortably during sexual intercourse, marriage and reproduction , and Ali in the introduction of Alternative Medicine narrows the spot to give Alnhd model deserves every girl, because that Sasbg them psychological comfort, which reflects the flexibility of her body and Anciabh, and put away the roughness, it becomes malleable silk, but if it became received, such as what happens to many who wish to convert breasts to dedicate a cow udder Howlandah great super-sized too, the matter may then turn into girls display interfaces, which is prevalent in Western I wrote always complain about a lot of people, especially the symptoms of the female element, and they ask for the full beauty, toughening of injection to the lips cheeks .. Matturdh make it .. and check the nose through plastic surgery, to bellies Almhafth, and perhaps the most important requirement is to enlarge the breasts, and Tnvijhma, and Tdoaarhama .. may come a day earlier in which the breasts, Aljamilan junk in them, so as not to fall our girls in the hands of plastic surgeon lacks taste Vivsd not fit, you see the poor girl requesting treatment has become breasts to drum Gnaua, laughable than impressive and becomes Macamt him by the surgeon are the last adds to their concerns, and not a few concerns start feeding it with the driver's license in some Muslim countries to men's violence and tyranny in Tboukasha.
This raises the topic sensation, in the field of ethical, many of the scholars of religion to Aihbdhun resort to changing the creation of God, and God created whatever Atnqs beauty and sweetness and smooth, this creation creature smoothly while surgeons resort to means of mathematics is no matter how elaborate the Atkhalo of scars and sharp corners thus turning it into a crippling offensive As is known more fonts attractive fonts are oblique curved Mahdodbh .. more than straight lines .. This does not mean that the girl has to convince the small breasts and did not seem to find adequate means and necessary in our heritage is to the right is said to heritage full addresses and meets all widgets and desires.
Lesson III
often encounter and you're on the bus or Tubis woman very good and ornamental If chronicled her eyes, Hvhvt hearts towards it, but that it raised her hand and caught in the handle, quickly emitted from under the Abtha odors gray her newborn, appears on your face intense distress, and see them even are disturbed, if the smell resemble actual Alfossa and Turi because the smells take Nsmtha and Vouhha of origin and thus Vqutea back to cold and heat emitted by them, and that the color of Alepeshrhomkan Seen rights all play a role in the agitation smell Fraúhh armpit orbital differ from the armpit Danish and the smell of armpit Arab girl is different from armpit girl Turkish and all odors fans and Karhoha alike.
However, the important thing is how to get rid of those smells .. of course there are those who resort to shaving underarm hair, and there are those who buy fresheners, industrial and breathing content in the position of the smell and there are those who resort to our traditions and customs in the removal of odor and bad breath as if Faihh take a bit of soap and paint by the armpits and Ttfkdh repeatedly cut it smell bad.
bad breath
Note are always some people talk, but every now and then put their hands to their mouth in the automatic movement to prevent odors emitted from the mouth, which can cause a nuisance to their companions, and this is worrying is not comforting at all, and here this normal Each of us can be infected with this type of harassment that can be caused by mold in the teeth or gums or sore mouth neglected, and it Flajha and the search for the reasons that I knew because it facilitates the treatment took cloves garlic Ashakan smooth and Aajnan and is used on an empty stomach and at bedtime, and attends to the days it is useful to cut evaporation and come smell good, or take Qrnfla Mustky and youth and a white lamb, Bar and pomegranate peel Vtdq all garbled and then rub their mouth, it is good.
Eating steamed vulva is not easy, because the vagina itself requires processors many of its importance, as is the decision that a matter of life and where the entrails trusted sperm and it was the value of addressing the issues of the vagina and symptoms There are those who complain about extending it to Aasah urethra and Hnca of complaining about Mawith and many hundred .. and there are complain about the smell foul, called the norm and among alternative medicine Evaporative the stench rotten due course of their causes do not have the space to present its reasons Fsnktefi some of the treatments recommended in our heritage ... beats the Hyacinth and kneaded with rose water and flooded the Soufa and Tstliq by women Vanhatschenh and remove smell bad of it.
Lesson IV
Door policies included in the fattening of women ..
.. Perhaps the dream of every girl or boy is Zfrbmn be sharing with him the rest of life .. Fboah manner or method are puzzled .. the woman is looking for a girl who can Tsaadh .. thick .. thin ... and handsome .. Medium .. religious. . free etc. .. but beauty is always intended .. Beauty and the theme is the science included in the framework of philosophy in the sense that the more questions than answers ... to the people in the doctrines of love ..
- Fattening story:
Encounter, and you're going in the street, some bottles of medicines empty .. As you search you find in its manual is written how to open the appetite., And also some membranes drive is empty, of course .. and all perform the same purpose .. As you ask or looking .. for consumers received mostly women. . did not accept it .. wonder if the answer is easy .. they want to rotate their bodies .. and .. make the limbs prominent Korak feet .. and .. and tits ... and even if I wore clothes emerged full of her body .. they raise appetite males and submit to her and marry her. .. even men who are sitting in cafes with their own eyes .. wipe thirsty hungry bodies Almmtliat only .. This is the participation of parents, even by mothers of course in the lubrication and fattening their daughters ... because they avoid the bother Alberat their daughters ... and the popular culture of her Amendouhh Of course ... people do not look away of the damage left behind by obesity ... it's popular culture .. and beyond .. heritage and traditions and habits ... it is not inevitable in our communities ..
- Princess sad:
You're sitting in your room air-conditioned. You read women's magazine and colored velvet Tenkerin .. and perhaps in search of the internet .. is not about your dreams .. But Knight for a way to alleviate the enormous weight. Tnziran to your body in grief and in refraction .. The tears from your eyes .. You Ahamrautin wrong .. there are already men of your dreams .. dreams of kissing the cheek .. .. Bmracstk your pregnancy to a restaurant for dinner on candles and hear the songs .. the flute and dancing girls Kalhawwara .. but you know you you are a treasure, but treasure treasures .. Vguenoat TV wash Your brain is empty .. advice to lead you to the sport tiring and dangerous to your heart.
- What came in wonderful fattening:
The names of Asameenat vary from country to country ... in Morocco or Dhabba Aldbhonty Bear ... in ... in Tunisia Tabona Musrakecdh Mrberbh .. in Lebanon armored .. in the Moroccan Sahara Autonomy .. in Saudi Arabia, one of the heavenly bodies .. or Oasis ... in Yemen, the throne of Queen of Sheba .. Forum rivers in Iraq .. and even hair Aakhalo of the Arab party in the subject .. shed copious ink .. and poems organized and that was immortalized Athdharna in this article but they are .. It is the remains in the cerebral Mazl .. .. if it goes ... turns shaking vibration ... as it is exotic names that I heard from people .. in the description of Asameenat inflated passenger .. .. .. text .. Hazh Htok or Htakh of ... Aatzkr us to the song that says Jaya Here Ktqkul Ktaatmlml .. .. etc..
In Tunisia, the country of the revolution now tells them that there is in one of its cities beach penchant for women Asameenat to limitless him the man who Aatzoj fat pay in manhood .. So you see them competing in marriage Bokpsmna .. Thus transformed this city alien to women Aarbat Dkhmat Mtermat Mentfajat .. and there are Basmantin marry against their secular Tunisian family law .. It is a good watch what could be the woman in this city is a beach picnic Cornischha .. of course as the men walk around with their wives .. the wife up on a Honda and a man riding in front of the driver's side .. and you see dozens of Alhondhat. . tees .. They walk Blibalyn Voukhen Hey Itensmn fresh sea air to Absat adornment .. In some joy Mlalah affectionately calling objects in the sky .. What a breathtaking view of palms lend it money .. Acommqat eye has seen nor ear has heard.
It tells me people in the city of Tetouan .. that a man of their people were rich. and he had even contributed to the Spanish banks .. Since it is super-rich, it thicken Glza severe and deep at the other ethical .. until he became unable to stand .. and even wander in the city .. and became unable to speak ... but he wanted to pray ... and therefore Organize him some leather ropes and tied them .. even if he worshiped when he could not and therefore comes from Khademtin Khaddamath powerful Tgranh those ropes and leather while .... came to understand it himself a mountain .. read the Koran and was offset by .. .. and give zakat al-Adha festival ram ... the man died .. and now tells his story remained in the city.
- Scholars and Asameenat
Scholars as Audohna interfere in everything .. through analysis and prohibition and the delegate and permissible .. They are of Korea in the broiler. Any touching religion ... but they deprived him of the door that the woman if Gzt and even the man .. Stantfaj Orakema. And Ofajazhma .. When Tngot women or urinate, and also to the man .., they to Aisttien whatever Adahma Taiwiltan be up to the place of malice and remove it necessary at all and the light and all the prayers so they Sistaanan foreigner .. to remove it and purify it ... and see foreign private parts haram ... and have any scholars interpretations .. and cataclysms in I content with this topic .. I will come back to complement the subject again
Lesson VI
. . Tsadvina many problematic with regard to our lives .. sexual encounter a man cry ... and tell me not to please him luck in his wife .. he mentioned a small .. can hardly reach it to my lips .. and Mahbgaha Nglaza repeatedly tried, but it was unsuccessful .. and heard about Fakih called the tribe of Bani Qnfozh bride and traveled to him .. He and his wife .. but when the treatment Tllqah .. Faqih was a recitation of some Altlassam .. did not work .. But on the contrary tells increased as smaller. and wounded more than this Member impotence and failure to do .. and tells it clever of the jurist is some Alemrahim .. when asked if he Sidhnha a member of the small .. but the scholar replied that Sicherbha and Sicherbha in front of him and his wife ... Vaftn of what can be produced by the piece of the risk if Akhaddra he and his wife and the Faqih Bafattk Bzojnh .. Aftlba of jurist that eat them Hoalawl Vojabhma that he does not suffer from impotence Anasrva hurt you .. and back to their country ..
. . Tsadvina many problematic with regard to our lives .. sexual encounter a man cry ... and tell me not to please him luck in his wife .. he mentioned a small .. can hardly reach it to my lips .. and Mahbgaha Nglaza repeatedly tried, but it was unsuccessful .. and heard about Fakih called the tribe of Bani Qnfozh bride and traveled to him .. He and his wife .. but when the treatment Tllqah .. Faqih was a recitation of some Altlassam .. did not work .. But on the contrary tells increased as smaller. and wounded more than this Member impotence and failure to do .. and tells it clever of the jurist is some Alemrahim .. when asked if he Sidhnha a member of the small .. but the scholar replied that Sicherbha and Sicherbha in front of him and his wife ... Vaftn of what can be produced by the piece of the risk if Akhaddra he and his wife and the Faqih Bafattk Bzojnh .. Aftlba of jurist that eat them Hoalawl Vojabhma that he does not suffer from impotence Anasrva hurt you .. and back to their country ..
Mrahim traditional:
Our heritage is rich and wealthy to what can be called a cure .. The piece through the purchase of some recipes when Ttarfa stalk the old city of Rabat .. for example ... When you stand in the old city Hotel Atara .. until you see your own eyes, some papers written mostly scholars and there is a door Sunday .. and I have already seen the recipe .. I remember where I read .. Miley ... it was mentioned by a small and Aradan grow up and endure intercourse Vladlleke before sexual intercourse with lukewarm water until the Heat being the blood is heated and toughen then erase it afterwards with honey ginger jam, apply for intercourse The women Tltz it a great joy to come down barely leave her.
Take the pepper, Galangal and hyacinth and musk, both parts after tapping and Altngel and kneaded with honey and ginger piece jam and scans said that after rubbing it well with water Alvatrdlka toughen and maximize Tltz by women and a great joy.
Lesson VI
Modern and spindle
Marriage is illegal for gays and lesbians in Morocco,
23 July 2011
... after the publication of an article a Sraruchbaya enemies of the nation speaking on behalf of many believed that it is just political speculation to divide the ranks of the February 20 Moroccan and disturb them, there is a true community Moroccan conservative, stores composition morphological this apparent contradiction reflected in people idealistic faithful to their religion and Mottagadan teachings of the father of yen Islamic, and between people Gay and Lesbian homosexual, almost living in the circles closed and Menkvih itself, this is unbelievable, but the reality is interesting that the creation of mutually Mtnatahin, in the party's ideal hardly speak in their name fundamentalist groups, In groups, gay even turn is there to adopt her privacy was not shared by even ideas we find what is derived from her body movement "under any circumstances under any circumstances," or stream the democratic approach and the Moroccan Association for human rights activists strongly in the political and human rights and, more recently known as Morocco controversy strong result Maraj of participation of young men and women belong to this trend or the other in what is called the spring Arab, no doubt one of the Moroccan society is a society ideal also likes to portray other, but Humajtma like other communities, ie, by the black dots as it drops a white, and leak out every time Elyasahafh and even sessions in cafes and bars Kontoarat chats and tales spun from the imagination, and sometimes the heart of reality at other times. tale wedding of the Grand Palace:
Marriage is illegal for gays and lesbians in Morocco,
23 July 2011
... after the publication of an article a Sraruchbaya enemies of the nation speaking on behalf of many believed that it is just political speculation to divide the ranks of the February 20 Moroccan and disturb them, there is a true community Moroccan conservative, stores composition morphological this apparent contradiction reflected in people idealistic faithful to their religion and Mottagadan teachings of the father of yen Islamic, and between people Gay and Lesbian homosexual, almost living in the circles closed and Menkvih itself, this is unbelievable, but the reality is interesting that the creation of mutually Mtnatahin, in the party's ideal hardly speak in their name fundamentalist groups, In groups, gay even turn is there to adopt her privacy was not shared by even ideas we find what is derived from her body movement "under any circumstances under any circumstances," or stream the democratic approach and the Moroccan Association for human rights activists strongly in the political and human rights and, more recently known as Morocco controversy strong result Maraj of participation of young men and women belong to this trend or the other in what is called the spring Arab, no doubt one of the Moroccan society is a society ideal also likes to portray other, but Humajtma like other communities, ie, by the black dots as it drops a white, and leak out every time Elyasahafh and even sessions in cafes and bars Kontoarat chats and tales spun from the imagination, and sometimes the heart of reality at other times. tale wedding of the Grand Palace:
This wedding if we remember caused a sensation, quickly took advantage of fundamentalist currents event, and went out in mass protests through the streets of the city of Grand Palace, was stopped imam and preacher of the mosque, because of calling him to change evil was Saddam is already among the population protesting forces and the suppression of riots that rushed to the spot even for Ataattor things to Malaimcn the dire consequences of this incident dating back to six years ago, and interesting that the newspaper "Evening" Rachid Nini, was at the beginning of its inception, and its owner Rachid Nini Bandfall took advantage of the event and took the opportunity to expand into more sales, to make the wedding the Grand Palace on the top of page first written bold, Khalta it in a manner thrill and style of Bid for power by being deficient in the protection of public morals, but did not hesitate to point out in his articles and news to suggest the elements of judicial attended the ceremony, shameful, and this Majerh dragging his newspaper to the battlefield the courts, to govern in the eventually by more than five hundred million centimes, is now in prison because of Asthenth the provisions of the courts.
Orbiter for the bar accompanied by this article and that of the signal received by watching high global, will discover that a wedding ordinary as any other wedding Morocco, I mean all the rituals of joy and a gift and prayer to the Holy Prophet and this shows that owners of the wedding did not see in Arshm they have established with the due process anything outside of the ordinary, and even roaring Bmkbhm festive streets, alleys, without objection released one, more than this was attended by family and friends and colleagues the concert and the voice of the singer and the singer Isdh in speakers, and why not he will attend students and to pray for Almsamaan Aresen good time and ten, but for Majerh Rachid Nini and fundamentalist currents to follow the couple's happiness
Orbiter for the bar accompanied by this article and that of the signal received by watching high global, will discover that a wedding ordinary as any other wedding Morocco, I mean all the rituals of joy and a gift and prayer to the Holy Prophet and this shows that owners of the wedding did not see in Arshm they have established with the due process anything outside of the ordinary, and even roaring Bmkbhm festive streets, alleys, without objection released one, more than this was attended by family and friends and colleagues the concert and the voice of the singer and the singer Isdh in speakers, and why not he will attend students and to pray for Almsamaan Aresen good time and ten, but for Majerh Rachid Nini and fundamentalist currents to follow the couple's happiness
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